Strawberry How Nursery School

Strawberry How Road, Cockermouth, CA13 9XR  Tel: 01900 823322   Email[email protected]

Funding for 2 year olds

The new 2 year old funding will start on Tuesday 16th April 2024. This funding will provide 63 x 3h hours or 189 hours of funding till the end of August so giving 189/4.5mths or 21 hrs in April and 42hrs in May June July August. Because we are open 50 weeks/year and commit our staff to 50 weeks/year we don't offer funding on a Term Time Only basis. 

We apply the funding and pay parents @ £7.80/hr for each funded hour. We then try to claim this back from the government. Their funding rate is £7.12/hr and this leaves a shortfall of £0.68 on every hour. We therefore charge a consumables charge to parents on the monthly invoice. In addition as the funding does not include food we charge parents for this. The subsidised cost of your child's food is added to the invoice in the same way we charge 3 year old funded children.





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