Strawberry How Nursery School

Strawberry How Road, Cockermouth, CA13 9XR  Tel: 01900 823322

Butterfly Room

This is such an important room in the centre of the Nursery. With self feeding, toilet training and all the wonders of socialisation it is home for children in our middle room. These children have their own low level training toilets. We want to shout loudly that we are proud of the quality of our planned activities that are developed by our staff and managed by our Room Leaders. These superb activities are posted in the secure section of this website and unfold with pupil to staff ratios that are regularly higher those demanded by Ofsted. The main activity room has integrated activity areas that extend into the covered 25 metre outside/inside canopy that runs along the length of the building. 


 From here our children have free flow ground-floor access to outside play. Within their patch they have a separate sleep room and a separate dining room although we only use this for lunch and tea. Breakfast, Morning and Afternoon Snacks and Tea are provided within the fee. Hot lunch is delivered from Lorton School. With planning posted for parents our immediate feedback is via our secret facebook page that only members can access. More specific online reporting is fulfilled with Tapestry an online tracking/learning journal. 




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